In my most recent blog post, I talked about how God will make us the head and not the tail. Let us look closer at that scripture.

“The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.” — Deuteronomy 28:13 (NIV).

Where does promotion come from?

This passage makes it clear that God is the one who raises us up into positions of leadership. Our job is to submit, humbly, to the training that he has placed us in. That training can sometimes involve a job or position that we do not like, yet we need to remain faithful and submitted to that place until we are released by God to a new place or position.

What about God’s commands?

This passage also talks about paying attention to God’s commands. If you are someone who wants to be promoted into a position of leadership or decision making, this message is vital! It is important to follow the commands of those in authority, but God is the ultimate authority. If you follow Him, then He will trust you and make you a success, because you belong to Him.

To grow in your position, you must honor your bosses and leaders, but you must also follow what God is telling you to do. And that means learning to hear and trust God.

This is how we grow in humility, strength, and wisdom. And only when those qualities are in your life, are you then ready to be the head and not the tail.

And what will happen then?

God will raise you up into new positions of leadership. He needs people in these places, making wise decisions and bringing creative solutions to the problems that affect people’s lives.

For an example of this, I recommend reading the story of Joseph. This man was promoted to a very influential position in his time:

“So Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.'” — Genesis 41:41 (NIV).

Why did God promote Joseph?

He did so for a purpose. There was a great famine approaching, and countless lives at stake, and Joseph was the man that God trusted to lead the nation through it. In fact, with God’s creative wisdom and solutions, Joseph changed other nations too!

“And all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere.” — Genesis 41:57 (NIV).

Joseph, however, had to earn this level of trust. And in a remarkable way! Through thirteen years of being a slave, and then, a wrongfully accused prisoner. Joseph had every reason to turn His back on God, but even in these seasons of hardship, He did not. He followed God and His commands. And as a result, Joseph’s life is one of the best and most inspiring examples of how God can train anyone to be a world-changer—at the top, and not the bottom.

What might this training look like for you?

This might look like being a better team player at work. This might look like being a better mother or father at home. God will use any situation in life to lead us to our purpose, if we only submit to His leading. 

Learn to submit to the process. Let God train you into being as trustworthy as you can be. Because right now, you are needed in your sphere of influence. And God wants to make you the head and not the tail!

Want to know more about your purpose?

If you want a step-by-step guide that will help you to discover what you were made for, try reading my book, Dawn Of Purpose: A Quick And Fun Guide To Discover Your Purpose. Let it show you who you are, and lead you closer to your God-given purpose! Order the book today.

Discover the life you were made for.

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