So far, in this Dawn Of Purpose Blog series, we have looked at the idea that there are spheres of influence in society—and how God has a plan for each of them. In the last post, we explored the sphere of media, and the importance of finding hope and good news in every situation. In this post, we will continue exploring these spheres together. I hope that you will be able to step deeper into the place, and the purpose, that God has created you to fill.

If you have read the book, Dawn Of Purpose, then you will know that the next place Nora entered was in need of healing. The whole area was broken down, destroyed, and not being used the way it should. This was noticeable in the landscape, where even the water was turning bad. But this was even more noticeable in the life of a young boy called Mud.

Life had not been kind to Mud. However, as Nora found out, there is always healing to be found, in even the most bitter and unlikely of places.

This reminds me of the sphere of family.

In this part of the story, there are quarries and stone mines, and I like to imagine that stone being used in foundations all over the world. For the foundation of all society is laid with the stones of proper and healthy family. It is what creates identity in all of us—especially when we find that identity in our heavenly Father.

The sphere of family encompasses many things. It’s all about having a safe and healthy environment. This is most obvious in the home, with a mother and a father who raise their children with love and acceptance. It can even be done by a single parent, so long as they are engaged with their children, and not consumed by other things. But it also includes medicine and healthcare. It includes counseling, and family services like adoption and fostering. All these areas fall under this sphere of influence, because family is as much about healing wounds, making well, and restoring lives—as much as it is about being related to someone else by blood.

Is this something that you see in your life?

We all have people that we impact every day, whether that is sharing a room with a younger sister, joining a book club, or caring for a patient in a hospital. In every one of these relationships, there is always the potential for bitterness. But there is also the potential for love and healing. Which means we always have a choice: either forgiveness and acceptance, or bitterness and rejection.

Of course, we all know the choice we’re supposed to make. But it’s not easy! How are we supposed to remain in love, and make a positive difference, when facing so much conflict and brokenness?

“We love because he first loved us.”1 John 4:19 (NIV).

The answer is the love of God.

His love is the cure for everything. And not just relationships, but physical illness as well. Some experts believe that up to 90% of illnesses can be attributed to broken relationships. And it is God’s love that gets to the source of all these things! He is our protector and our healer. He alone can make us whole again. And this is why the sphere of family can be the solid foundation that provides support for all of the others.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13: 4–8 (NIV).

Imagine a world filled with this kind of love! Humble and patient, kind and true—a love that shelters, and will never fail. This is the love that we experience through knowing God, our Father. And when we experience this love ourselves, we can then show this love to others, and bring God’s healing into their lives as well. This is what Nora learned from her friend, Mud. Only when we look past our hurt and rejection, can we see this wonderful gift of healing we hold.

God is your heavenly Father, who loves you, and He is working alongside you, for your best. The more you experience of His love, the better you can love your family, your friends, and the people you see every day. And beyond that—if this is something that excites you, and tugs on your heart—then you can take that same love further into society. Into all the systems and problems related to family. God is raising up people in this area of culture. He is calling us to research cures for diseases, to reform our family services, to mend broken homes. Whether you are a cancer researcher or a healing evangelist, God is calling us to stand against the problems in this area of culture. Instead, we can bring His solutions of love, acceptance, and hope.

We have the power to transform the world for generations to come.

Family is generational, and this area has that same potential too. If we keep revealing God’s love to society, then we can make our world work better—not just for us, and our family, but for the next generation after us, and generations to come. We can affect many more people, and impact thousands of lives, for a long time to come.

We will explore more of what this looks like, in future posts. Thank you for reading!

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”1 John 3:1 (ESV).

Dawn Of Purpose is a quick and fun guide to discover your purpose in life. The book is written in clear, straight-forward language, and it includes original, hand-drawn illustrations. Order your copy of Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon today, and join the adventure of a purpose-filled life!

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Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.

You can find them for yourself at and

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