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In this blog post, I would like to explain how and why it was developed. And I would like to honor those who went before me in exploring the seven spheres of influence. For more information on these spheres of influence, see my previous blog posts in the Dawn Of Purpose Blog series.



Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.



You can find them for yourself at and



Why are these ideas important?



In 2011, I was at a children’s conference. I was praying for my state of Minnesota, when God placed a powerful vision in my heart. He showed me the central heart of Minnesota, where I live, absolutely transformed. The whole area was a region of light. It was saturated in the presence of God. His people had brought solutions into every corner of society. In this abundance of light, there was no darkness—and the people were free.



At the time, I did not understand what this experience meant. I simply knew that my husband and I were invited to be a part of the vision. I knew we were called to build this region of light.



It was within a year of this experience that God started to put the pieces together. My husband and I were driving, listening to some teaching, and we stumbled upon a message about the seven mountains of culture.



And as we listened, something inside us came alive.



For over two decades, I had thought the only place I could serve God was in a traditional church role. But I wasn’t a preacher, or a pastor, or a missionary, or a bible teacher. I wasn’t a church administrator or even a janitor. And it felt like I had nothing to contribute to God’s kingdom at all. But here was an idea, that God also wanted servants out in society—that there were godly assignments in all seven of the areas that make up the culture of a community, city, or nation.

This opened a door of discovery for me that changed my life! I started to see that I had certain skills and strengths that didn’t necessarily fit in the church, but could still impact people in dynamic ways. I discovered the wonderful books and teachings of Johnny Enlow and Restore7. My husband and I broadened our understanding and found the freedom to be who we were called to be—which includes serving God in the area of economy.

God is waking people up, all over the world.

 He is showing people their purpose and place in the seven spheres of influence. Day by day, we move closer to seeing a region of light in our community. And we have met many other believers who are working toward this same vision—to transform their communities.


I wrote my book, Dawn Of Purpose, to begin to share what I have learned over the past nine years. In a much shorter time, this book will help you find what you were made for, so that you can join the adventure today! There has never been a better time—so order Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon now! And together, let us see our world burst into light.

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