Recently, I heard the Lord say this: “the church is not being persecuted right now; they are being trampled underfoot by men”.

I believe this is speaking of what Jesus taught in the Gospel of Matthew.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” — Matthew 5:13 (NIV).

What does being salty mean?

This saltiness is the strength, the quality, of the people of God. Do you think we might have lost some of that taste? I think we have.

It seems to me that we have done a lot of complaining and finger-pointing, but we have not sent ambassadors, with loving solutions of heaven, that would bring lasting transformation.

Our founding fathers were this kind of salt. They had that tremendous strength and flavor. These great men walked out of their church buildings and into the halls of government to do things that had never been done before. They built our great nation and revolutionized the world.

And how?

They saw a problem and went to God for the solution. They believed that following God meant bringing His ways into the world around them.

Our founding fathers understood their mission. They knew their purpose.

What is your mission?

When you see the chaos going on in our world right now, do you know how you can help bring solutions? Do you know the gifts that God has put inside of you, to fix the problems that you are seeing all around you?

If you feel like you should be doing more with your life, but you just don’t know what your special calling is, try reading my book, Dawn Of Purpose: A Quick And Fun Guide To Discover Your Purpose. Let it unlock that hidden treasure inside of you! Order the book today.

We all have a special purpose. We all have gifts and abilities that are unique to what we were made for. So, let us be that salt that God created us to be!

For we are all on this earth, right now, for such a time as this.

Discover the life you were made for.

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