So far, in this Dawn Of Purpose Blog series, we have looked at the idea that there are spheres of influence in society—and how God has a plan for each of them. In the last post, we explored the sphere of business, and how we all have the power to create wealth, and to transform the world around us. In this post, we will continue exploring these spheres together. I hope that you will be able to step deeper into the place, and the purpose, that God has created you to fill.

If you have read the book, Dawn Of Purpose, then you will know that the next place Nora entered was all about education. In this place, she meets a teacher called Hugo, who is discouraged by what s being taught in his school. In this place of great knowledge, there are also false beliefs that are arrogant and untrue. But, as Nora and Hugo discover, wisdom and understanding can burn away the darkness, if only a teacher will bring those flames to life.

This reminds me of the sphere of education.

This area of society is simple to identify. It encompasses all learning. This might be a parent home-schooling their kids or an apprentice learning their trade. It might be an online class, a technical school, or a night school. It might be a traditional pre-school, high-school, or university. Whatever the level of learning, whatever the learning environment, if there is a teacher and student , there is education happening. And, as with all the other areas of society we have explored, God has a passion, a plan, and a purpose for education.

What is the purpose of education?

So, why do we have schools? What is it all for? Perhaps the most obvious answer is to teach facts about life. Whether you write textbooks, or run a classroom, or teach a trade, you are in the business of presenting facts. Yes, teachers can, and should, share opinions. They should discuss different schools of thought. But their primary goal has to be to pass on the truth. Otherwise, what qualifies them to teach at all? And so, naturally, anyone involved in teaching should care about separating fact from fiction, with a passion for the truth.

But, of course, there is another passion that is equally important. Without it, education would collapse. Teachers must care about the truth, but also, their students.

If you ask a teacher what is most rewarding about their job, they will likely answer that it is the students themselves. They value the connection they have with them. Not the subject, or the books, or the instruction. These are just means to an end—and that end is awakening students to create, have fun, take risks, and learn how to think for themselves.

This must be a driving force in education. If we build our teaching systems to manufacture cookie-cutter students, who are rewarded for repeating information without analyzing or comprehending it, then society will suffer. The best teachers are those that engage with their students as individuals and adapt their methods wherever possible. If every student feels valued, and is directed according to their own natural passions and abilities, then both teacher and student will find education to be more joyful, meaningful, and effective.

What does this look like?

This, I believe, is God’s desire for the area of education. To teach the truth, but in a way that awakens students, and encourages a desire for lifelong learning, instead of stifling them. And we can best see this in how God perfectly, patiently, teaches us.

God has infinite knowledge and wisdom. Not only does He know everything there is to know, but He understands how to apply all of that knowledge perfectly. There is no problem that He cannot solve in an instant. And, incredibly, He longs to share this with us! He wants to teach us everything.

God doesn’t use a one-size-fits-all curriculum. He approaches us one by one, and tailors our education to each of us. He knows our nature, and our level of understanding. God is always patient and kind and guiding us at the pace we need. He gladly offers custom lessons, and personal unlimited time, with the most wise and intelligent tutor in the universe!

“Wisdom is a gift from a generous God, and every word he speaks is full of revelation and becomes a fountain of understanding within you.” — Proverbs 2:6 (TPT).

What can I do?

If you are involved in education, or have a desire to be, then ask the Lord for this wisdom, revelation, and understanding. With these gifts, you will be equipped to guide and enlighten your students, helping them understand their design and destiny. If you are a student, ask God if He wants you to support or help other people in your classes or lectures. Whether you’re a teacher at the front of the class, or a student encouraging and supporting the person sitting next you, you can be a positive force in this area of education.

Education is a lifelong journey. We should all never want to stop learning, for there is always more that we can discover. The more we learn, the better our lives become, and the more value our lives have! True education is passing on that value. It is sharing truth, knowledge, and wisdom. For these things have the power to transform lives, and to change the world as we know it.

This is one way of bringing the love of God into society, and seeing lives transformed. We will explore even more ways in future posts. Thanks for reading!

Dawn Of Purpose is a quick and fun guide to discover your purpose in life. The book is written in clear, straight-forward language, and it includes original, hand-drawn illustrations. Order your copy of Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon today, and join the adventure of a purpose-filled life!

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Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.

You can find them for yourself at and

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