So far, in this Dawn Of Purpose Blog series, we have looked at the idea that there are spheres of influence in society—and how God has a plan for each of them. In the last post, we explored the sphere of celebration, and how we can show God’s creativity, authenticity, and joy through arts and entertainment. In this post, we will continue exploring these spheres together. I hope that you will be able to step deeper into the place, and the purpose, that God has created you to fill.

If you have read the book, Dawn Of Purpose, then you will know that the next place Nora entered was all about business. In this town on the lake, everyone—the workers, the business owners, the beggars—all had money problems to deal with. But, as Nora learned from someone called Joanna, every financial problem has a solution, if you are willing to seek it out.

This reminds me of the sphere of economy.

This is the area of society that’s all about business. The most important things here are buying and selling, resources and provision. This area encompasses anything to do with discovering and transferring wealth. We all work in this area, or will at some point, because we all need money to survive. And I believe that all of our financial systems have a purpose. That our economies, using basic kingdom principles, can bring in God’s provision, so that those working in this area can provide for all the other areas as well.

God really does have a purpose for money. In the New Testament, there are over two-thousand verses dealing with money and finance. Jesus talked about money more often than he did about heaven, hell, faith, and salvation combined! Many people think that money is evil. But the apostle Paul clarified that it is only the love of money that causes evil.

“The love of money is the root of all evil.” — 1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV).

For God, money is a tool. It is something He uses. And so, He wants us to join Him, and use money to transform our systems and environments. We’ve all heard that money is power. It can create opportunities and solve problems. It can get things done—and fast! God has many solutions for the problems in our society, and they need to be funded somehow.

So, where is all that money going to come from? This is the purpose of the sphere of economy, and why it is uniquely positioned to fund God’s kingdom transformation in the earth.

“Remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to produce wealth.” — Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV).

This is one of my favorite scriptures, and it applies perfectly to this sphere. We all have the opportunity to step into God’s creative power and influence. We all have the power to produce wealth! And with that wealth, we can spend less time worrying about money, and more time helping God to make the world better.

This thinking allowed my husband and I to grow our companies and bless the people around us. There is always so much that God wants to do. We just have to think bigger! We must see our mission as more than just taking care of our personal needs, and giving whatever we can to our local church or ministry. These things are good. But we must also begin to view our communities, and the people who live in them, as places for us to build and bless and give. The whole world is God’s mission field. It is a field ripe for harvest!

As an example, my husband and I own an electronics manufacturing company. This business is helping to bring a more stable, sustainable economy into a tourism area, which previously offered mostly low-income, seasonal jobs. We believe this is God’s will for our business. And we have found that, when we understood this purpose, and made it our number one goal, God was more than happy to to bless us. In fact, far and above what we would have ever dared to ask for! If we seek His kingdom first, then all these other things will be added. It has certainly worked that way for us.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” — Matthew 6:33 (ESV).

But where to start?

There are basic, financial principles that anyone can follow. Things like tithing, budgeting, and paying off debt will have a big impact on your finances, and how much wealth God is able to trust you with. And it is very important to have vision for your provision. Ask God to give you a dream, an idea, that you can work toward. And then, like Joanna, you can trust in that vision. You can invest in it generously, and reap the harvest it brings with faith and determination. This often means seizing opportunities or creative ideas from God, even when they scare us.

But the biggest principle of all is to just go out and do it! In the Great Depression, people traveled up and down the United States to find a job. These days, it’s hard to find people willing to even leave their own home. There is a world out there that needs help. God has many projects that need funding! He wants to set us free from serving your checkbooks, so we can serve His kingdom instead!

Let us be faithful stewards. Let us work, with vision and faith, to reap the harvest that is out there. If we apply ourselves, then God will release overflow, for everything that is needed. Whether you own a business, or you are starting out in your first job, you can be a part of how money is shaping our society. Every one of us can be generous, prosperous world-changers for His glory!

This is one way of bringing the love of God into society, and seeing lives transformed. We will explore even more ways in future posts. Thanks for reading!

Dawn Of Purpose is a quick and fun guide to discover your purpose in life. The book is written in clear, straight-forward language, and it includes original, hand-drawn illustrations. Order your copy of Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon today, and join the adventure of a purpose-filled life!

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Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.

You can find them for yourself at and

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