So far, in this Dawn Of Purpose Blog series, we have looked at the idea that there are spheres of influence in society—and how God has a plan for each of them. In the last four posts, we have explored four of these spheres: media, family, celebration, and economy. If you have read the book, Dawn Of Purpose, then you will know that there are three more spheres that we are yet to explore. But for this post, we’re going to take a short break from our travels, to talk about something else. I believe that, as we head into the year 2020, this is the time to gain 20/20 vision.

20/20 Vision for 2020 And Beyond.

What is 20/20 vision? It is a technical term, which means that someone’s vision is clear and sharp. What does this have to do with purpose? Well, in the same way that we need our physical vision to see the world around us, we also need another kind of vision to see things that are not physical—like our dreams, our goals, and our ultimate purpose. If we wish to walk in our calling, and succeed at what we are made to do, our purpose must be clear and visible. We must know God’s will for our lives, and be able to write down the way to get there. This kind of vision is crucial.

But many things fog up our vision.

“For every soldier called to active duty must divorce himself from the distractions of this world so that he may fully satisfy the one who chose him.” — 2 Timothy 2:4 (TPT).

We all have distractions in our lives that make it hard for us to focus on what is important. There are always distractions that pull us away from our purpose. But we must rid ourselves of these distractions. We must take off anything that blinds us from seeing our next steps. This is an urgent matter! God is actively engaged, today, in bringing his righteousness and justice into the earth. This is a strategic time, and we all have a part to play. Our assignments are important and specific, and God is calling each of us to do the special and unique thing He created us for. God is calling you to be effective in bringing His kingdom to earth!

But what does that look like?

This is why we need that 20/20 vision and clarity. We must understand who God created us to be, and what He created us to do. In other words, we must know our purpose in the earth. And, as we head into this new year of 2020, I can think of no better time to seek out this understanding.

So, be bold and courageous! Ask God to make your vision and your purpose clear. Ask Him to give you 20/20 vision, both for 2020, and beyond. Into the whole new decade coming!

As you do, work to rid yourself of the distractions that hold you back. This year, make time to be with God, so that you can receive this vision. Have faith to believe that He will meet you in this place of asking, and that He has what you need. God has that vision and clarity to give to you. He has already placed your purpose inside of you. All it takes is the vision to see it.

We are all important. We are all created with a purpose. This 2020, it is your time to shine.

May your holidays be filled with peace and joy and laughter. Thanks so much for reading!

Want to learn more about your purpose?

Dawn Of Purpose is a quick and fun guide to discover your purpose in life. The book is written in clear, straight-forward language, and it includes original, hand-drawn illustrations. Order your copy of Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon today, and join the adventure of a purpose-filled life!

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Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.

You can find them for yourself at and

Discover the life you were made for.

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