So far, in this Dawn Of Purpose Blog series we have looked at the idea that there are spheres of influence in society—and how God has a plan for each of them. We also looked at the importance of having courage when taking your first steps toward your purpose. In this post, we will begin exploring these spheres together. I hope that you will be able to step deeper into the place, and the purpose, that God has created you to fill!

So, off we go!

Into the wild and dangerous places, over the wall of our fears. Off we go, discovering what is out there, and what it is that we might be able to do.

If you have read the book, Dawn Of Purpose, then you will know that Nora had her first encounter in a place that was quite different from what she was used to. This new place was stark and burnt, and it was obvious that some tragedy had taken place here. The people were fearful, and sometimes, that fear drove them to do violent and destructive things.

But, as Nora found out from a rider called Angelo, there was always a hidden message of hope or good news, that could be found if one is willing to search for it.

This reminds me of the sphere of news and media. It is a rough place, and it needs God’s touch. It needs His love and interaction. It needs people who know how to report the facts, but at the same time, to report what God is saying about a situation. Even in the worst of events, God is always providing a hidden message of hope, that you can also give to others.

So, what does this look like in the real world?

Media is all about news and information. It can take many forms. There are traditional forms of media, which include newspapers, programs, magazines, and news websites. But these days, you don’t have to be a journalist or a news anchor to have a voice. Anyone with a video camera, or a social media account, has an opportunity, and perhaps a responsibility, to bring the kingdom into this sphere.

There are multiple ways of sharing your voice and your views. The way you comment about the current events of the day will either bring the kingdom of God, or work against it. What does bringing the kingdom look like in this sphere? It’s all about good news.

While the ultimate good news is the eternal salvation of our souls, this area of media is mainly concerned with sharing positive developments in the world and current events around us. This doesn’t mean putting on rose-tinted glasses and overlooking the facts. But it does mean seeking out the good news of whatever God is saying, and whatever He is doing, even in the worst situations. He is the Communicator, and He always has something wonderful to share. This requires looking beyond what you see in the natural, and focusing on how God wants us to approach the problem that is before us. It requires always seeking out a hope-filled way of looking at things.

“So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising Him always.”Philippians 4:8 (TPT).

This is the principle that is to guide you for this area of culture. If you know God, then you can hear His voice, and you can share what He is saying. God will always provide you with what will bring hope in any given situation you see. And you can always leave people with a measure of that hope. If you can practice looking beyond the problem, and sharing that hope, then you will lead people in a whole new direction. Instead of telling them to be afraid, you can encourage them to be hopeful. To have faith, to be thankful, and to embrace new possibilities.

This is the voice of possibility.

This voice is affecting all seven spheres of influence. It’s going out into all the earth right now, with the message that God wants to bring His kingdom through you! Through your active involvement in society, where He will give you everything you need to solve problems, fix systems, and transform lives. This is bringing the kingdom into the earth. You have a vital part in it. So step in, and join the adventure!

We will unpack the other spheres in future blog posts. But for now, I hope that this post has encouraged you to search for the hope, and the good news, in all the situations you encounter. Thank you for reading!

Dawn Of Purpose is a quick and fun guide to discover your purpose in life. The book is written in clear, straight-forward language, and it includes original, hand-drawn illustrations. Order your copy of Dawn Of Purpose on Amazon today, and join the adventure of a purpose-filled life!

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Some people call these spheres the seven mountains. This idea, of seven mountains that influence society, was first developed by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham in 1975. Since then, the idea has been taught by Lance Wallnau and also expanded in several books by Johnny Enlow. These seven mountain resources inspired the message of Dawn Of Purpose.

You can find them for yourself at and

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